Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pictures Can be Deceiving

I love this picture. It is of my grandchildren during a McDonald's outing. It looks so sweet and peaceful. The play area is empty. We have the room all to ourselves. Pure bliss....there is even music playing.

 However, this picture was made five minutes after all hell had broken loose in the restaurant.  The three of us walk in, just about lunch time.  We are waiting in line, a very long line, when Logan has to go to the bathroom.  No problem, he tells me what he wants and off he goes.  Jacy is waiting patiently with me. She already knows what she wants. I am about to decide my meal when Logan comes back wanting to know what we are still doing in line. I tell him we should be next and to have some patience.

Soon we get our orders and are in the process of filling our drinks. That is when Logan notices only two packs of fries. He wanted to know where his fries were.  I leave them filling up our cups and getting catchup, while I go get his fries.  In hindsight this probably wasn't a good idea.  Logan dropped his soda and Jacy had enough catchup for ten people.

I get back to the kids with the extra fries, fix Logan another drink, load my tray with all the catchup in the world and proceed to the kids play area. Jacy was going first, she was supposed to get the door, although  I didn't mention it---I just thought she would.  I was wrong. She went flying through the door and I am right behind her with both hands on our tray.  The door slams and food, catchup, french fries, sodas everything---except her chicken nuggets goes flying through the air.  

Complete silence in the play room. Kids quit playing and look pale and are ready to leave. Parents yank their kids up and give us a look like we have bombed the area and they begin to run for the door.  That was pointless, no one could get out the door for all the food and soda and catchup all over the windows, door and floor. Not to mention Logan and myself.

I looked at Jacy and I thought she was gonna pass out. Completely white.  She ran  through the mess  and got napkins and started cleaning up. A janitor came in and worked on the floor and walls. after the mess was cleaned up, we went to the bathroom and cleaned ourselves up. I looked like I had been shot twice and Logan shot once.

As we came out of the restroom, we had new orders waiting for us--minus the french fries. Logan started to object and I reminded him of what a mess the three of us had made. 

We ate the meal very quietly. Each of us playing over in our minds the complete chaos of the past few minutes.  We all apologized to each other. While discussing our plan to get through a door with food safely.  We now have a plan.

There was a young boy mopping the floor and making sure everything was clean. I walked over and gave him $5.  He didn't want to take it, he earned it and I needed the help. Except for leaving, it was the least I could do for him.

We finish and I ask the kids to pose for a picture. They grabbed each other in a hug that lasted two seconds. Then Logan says, "Jacy it really was all your fault!!!"  The fight is on and we are leaving.  Someone had the nerve to ask, "Nonnie can we get ice cream?" A rather loud thunderous "NO" echoed through McDonald's. Followed quickly by, "Get in the car!!!"

Once we got home, everything was fine. There was no need to mention the incident to Tami.  We have gone to McDonald's many times since that disaster.  I must admit, they recognize us as soon as we walk in. Someone grabs a mop, just in case!


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