Saturday, June 9, 2012

Remembering Love at First Sight

I believe in love at first sight.  I know it is real, valid and indisputable in my heart and in my life.  People argue that love at first sight is just an emotion that will not last. I beg to differ. I have experienced this emotion or love. It has not faded, lapsed or left in over ten years. It never will either.

When Tami was seven or eight months pregnant with Jacy, she had her second ultra sound. I went with Tami and Aaron that day.  The first ultra sound they went alone to find out  the sex of the baby.  They told us at a special dinner we had for the family that night at a restaurant called "Mom's Restaurant" in Fulton. It was so exciting to find out that we were having a granddaughter.

When they asked me to go with them for the second ultra sound, I was elated. When I was pregnant with my girls, none of these options were available for us. With Tami and Melodi, I did get to hear the heart beat. That was amazing for us. I remember tears filled my eyes as I listened to the rapid beat of a new life.

As the nurse prepped Tami for the ultra sound, I was looking around at all the monitors, and gadgets in the small room. Finally the nurse began rolling a monitor, for lack of the right word, over Tami's stomach.  Then we saw her!  Jacy was sitting up with her legs crossed and she was sucking her thumb. I was speechless. Never in a million years did I expect to see what my eyes were seeing. It was impossible to make out her features but we got a general idea of what she looked like. We knew she had hair. I remember us laughing and exclaiming,  "Oh look she has hair!!"  Then Jacy took her thumb out of her mouth and stretched.  One little arm shot up in the air, her back arched and then she kicked her right leg.  I think we may have applauded----I know we were beyond happy. All too soon it was over and we left the hospital.

 All the way home we talked about it. When I finally reached my home, I woke Tommy up and told him in great detail what I had seen. In fact, I think I talked about it all night.  Never had I seen anything as wondrous as the sight of my unborn granddaughter, sucking her thumb and stretching. This modern age does have it's advantages.

The other day I read a post on face book that Cathy Kelley Carter just found out that she will have a granddaughter soon.  I sat there and smiled and remembered how we had felt. She knows what I am talking about.

Do I believe in love at first sight?  Absolutely!!!  I have experienced it first hand and the love hasn't lessened one bit. In fact, it has increased over the years. To me, that is the way love should be.

1 comment:

  1. lol For some reason this reminds me of something I wrote about meeting my grandson for the first time. It is so spectacularly wonderful to watch a miracle in action. Another well done Vicky.
