Monday, June 18, 2012

Two Yappin' Chihuahua's and 10 Frozen Pot Pies!

Tommy and I have been together forever.  However, like most couples we have our days when all is not bliss in our little corner of the world.  Last Wednesday was such a day.

I had six places I needed to visit last Wednesday.  I told Tommy this before we left the house.  He was good with the plan. I had my  doubts because he is a "hunter" type of shopper. He knows what he wants, he goes and gets it and then he is ready to go home. Six places to go,  are five too many for him.  However, he insisted on going.  I usually enjoy our outings.   Usually.

We left the house by 8:30 a.m.---without eating breakfast.  First mistake of the day.  If we don't eat by 10 a.m. we get mean!!!  Literally MEAN!!! Our blood sugar gets out of whack and we turn into two snapping  Chihuahua's.  It was 1 p.m. before we remembered this.

Soon we are at town. I tell Tommy where to go first.  We are doing fine, going a little faster than I like, but we are getting my list checked off,  that was all that mattered --at that time.

Finally, we are ready to go to WalMart and buy our groceries. We have started to snap at each other. Not a good sign.  He parked the car in left field--literally. It was hot as hell, and we park almost in the next county.  I asked him why we were parking there. Tommy informed me that no one would block us in!!!!   Who gets blocked in at WalMart????  No one!!!  It can't be done! Snap!!

We are still discussing this as we walk into the air conditioned sink hole where all our money is usually sucked out of our billfolds. I grab a buggy.  Tommy takes it away from me. He has a thing about driving----even buggies. Snap! Snap! Crunch!!! I shop he--he pushes the cart. 

 We start getting items on our list, when I remember we are out of pot pies.  This is our stand by, when neither one of us wants to cook.  Microwavable pot pies and dinner is ready in 6 minutes. As I get in the cooler and grab 10 pot pies, Tommy takes off down another isle. I didn't know this. I turn around to dump them in the cart and no one is there.  I may have uttered a curse word then. I know I was thinking of one in particular.

I start walking down the isle juggling 10 boxes of pot pies. I  can't find him anywhere!!!  People were looking at me funny.  One lady told me to get a cart. I told her I HAD a cart.  She looked at me like I was crazy!!  Evidently if she couldn't see the cart, then I didn't have one!!!  I am 3 seconds away from dropping all 10 pot pies in the floor when I see Tommy down isle 3--getting bread.  I call out to him to come help me and he looks at me like he has never seen me before.  If he hadn't been in a group of people I would have done a hail Mary and hit him with a frozen pot pie!!!  Snap, Bam, on my part.

I finally get to the buggy and asked him why he left me.  His answer "You need to keep up!"  Short, sweet and to the point.  We shop together a little while longer. I keep one hand on the buggy, just in case he decides to visit the bread isle again! 

Neither one of us can remember if we needed milk. It wasn't on the list so I was on the side of, "No we do not need milk"  However, Tommy thought we were just about out.  Ordinarily this would be a no brainer, we would have just bought the milk.  Today it mattered. Snip, snap, snip!!!  We got the milk, deciding to leave the store. This was just not working.

Once we are in the car, I tell Tommy I am starved. He agrees. He is starved too. It is almost 12:20 and we need to eat, or shoot something. It didn't matter much to me at that point.  We arrived at Karen's, completely famished.  She knows us and she could tell by the way we were acting that something was wrong.  

As soon as we start eating, we begin to feel better. I no longer wanted to hit him with a frozen pot pie and he didn't want to leave me stranded on the side of the road! 

Then we start talking. Next we start laughing. Finally, I start laughing and crying at the same time.  I told him about wanting to hit him with the pot pie and that's when I found out he wanted to push me out of the car. We entertained the customer's in Karen's for at least 40 minutes. Everyone was laughing.  It is good to have a life partner that you can be mad as hell at one minute while laughing at the absurdity of the situation the next.  After 43 years, I will drink to that!!!!!



  1. In my best John Wayne voice imitation. "Well said little lady."

  2. In my best Miss Scarlet "Why thank you kind sir":)
